865 - The DKNG Show 20 "What We Learn From Our Own Work"


The Best Trick For Setting Internal Project Deadlines
Doing live events, committing to a date in your calendar is one of the best ways to make sure you get work done for yourself and learn to you like a client.

What Would DKNG Change About Their Work?
Evil Brickey gets DKNG to rank their art print series for worst to best. Listen and learn as the duo looks back on their work.

What Has DKNG Learned From Their Customers?
Listening to the guys rank their artwork we all get to learn about the feedback their customers have planted in their brains.

Design Lessons Learned Looking Back At Your Work.
When you are forced to stop and look back at your own work it teaches you to get lessons on moving forward.

Learning Restraint Through Your Design.
Why as designers we are so drawn to black on black, matte black and grayscale work and the magic that natural light provides.

Circle of Trust

Breaking Big Ideas Down To Simple Design
DKNG took a second swing at The Grand Canyon for the National Parks Poster Series. Hear how they were able to take a wonder of nature and make it a graphic element.

Start Using Global Colors Immediately
DKNG Studios recently did a digital poster for the Anaheim Ducks. We break down how digital work can quickly be converted to silkscreened printmaking.

Designer Con Strategy Guide
What are the moves that convention and makers could take to create a more successful show in 2019?

Who Is Designer Con Perfect For And What Should You Expect?
Breaking down what designers at different career levels should expect and how to properly prepare for the event.

How To Maximize Your Efforts By Training Your Customers.
There are only so many hours you can work, and when you want to make more money, you have to find the most efficient way to earn income. Setting boundaries and training your customers to value your work is a great way to start.

DKNG Mega Pack Sale

‘Black Wheel’ Playing Cards 


Grand Canyon Poster 


Anaheim Mighty Ducks Poster 
