581 - Lorna Brown - Painter, Author, Skateboarder, World Traveler

Lorna Brown - Painter, Author, Skateboarder, World Traveler

Lorna Brown did it all the way your suppose to. She went to university, she got trained at her craft of Scientific and Natural History Illustration painting. Lorna got jobs, clients and an agent, but she never found professional happiness. As a teenage skateboarder, she had always felt free skating and left design to focus on the competitive sport of, you’ll never guess, Roller Derby. After nearly a decade of competition she felt a calling that took her to the Middle East, Palestine, where she taught young girls and women how to skateboard. Amongst the destruction of Palestine she found beauty in the urban decay and street art of war torn world. This inspiration allowed her to not only find her way back to painting, but also around the world documenting the art of the streets through her beautifully painted urban landscapes. Living the book that she’s literally writing, right now, Lorna sat down with Mark at his home in Los Angeles, while she took a break from documenting the streets and skateparks of Southern California. This is an inspirational episode, perfect for anyone looking for a change or any young woman trying to find the self confidence to live the life that she wants, not the one she thinks she’s suppose to live. 

Today's Chicken Nuggets

- Traveling to Palestine and becoming an ambassador for skating boarding and western feminism. 
- Learning how to care for someone else, teaches you how to care for yourself. 
- The perspective of the Middle East conflicts from someone who has lived it. 
- Going to school for illustration and feeling let down by the path that lies before you. 
- Feeling emotionally lost in the client driven design industry.
- How loose is too loose, how tight is too tight, finding your rhythm as a illustrative painter. 
- A healthy personal conflict when depicting other creatives in your own work. 
- Street art versus murals versus graffiti versus tagging… The reason why each exist.

In The Circle of Trust

- Being attracted by the why of art? Instead of the final results of art. 
- Finding your quest in life, getting lost and ending up exactly where you’re meant to be.
- Living your book and chasing your dream. 
- Struggling to relate to the life that your “suppose” to be living. 
- Evaluating the life that you really want to be living.
- Living in the present. 
- How do you break free? 
- Facing your fears and learning to go straight toward them.
- Allowing yourself to change, giving yourself permission to be free. 
- Being prepared to give up what you have, being ready to succeed.  
- Skateboarding as a life long inspiration. 
- Roller Derby-ing away from your problems. 
- Finding a way to put all of your passions into you love for work.